Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is for my friends and family that DO NOT have facebook accounts....cause if you DID, you would've already seen this news! :) Ummmmm, you need to COWGIRL (or boy) UP and set up a facebook account! Seriously, it's not that scary... LOL

Anyhoo, these are the pics I sent to Chris since he is in NYC and hasn't seen me in person yet. (and also NOT on facebook...what is it with you people?? haha...i kid, i kid)

I don't know what he thinks yet...but I guess it's too late, huh?? I totally LURVE it so far! And hair always grows back, so why not? But seriously, I've haven't gone this short since like 7th grade!! So big change for me.


  1. oohhh la la! so cute lady! tis the season for chopping :) i'm sure chris will love it!!

  2. You seriously look AMAZING. The cut is perfect and so are gorgeous! Chris had better like it or else he'll have all your jealous girlfriends to answer to!

  3. OK so you look so AWESOME!!!! WOW, I am sure Chris is salavating!!! You seriously look so much younger. On a different note, I had a movie night last night with a neighbor and she is sooooo not you. I am thinking of starting a "Move the Hoviks back 'cause I miss them campaign". What do you think?
