25 Years ago I:*loved babies and couldn't be in a room with a real live one for 2 minutes before it was in my arms*played Pioneers in the Pogue's backyard every Saturday, where we picked berries and mushed them and added sugar and water before we slurped them all up*played GI Joe and Smurfs with the boy across the street*thought break dancing was THE coolest thing ever*played centipede and ms pacman on the atari*really wanted to skateboard on that half pipe with all the older boys*was almost kidnapped for the 2nd time in Kmart
20 Years ago I:*started babysitting and fell in love with a newborn Austin Hunter when I got to feed him his first bottle, seriously, I felt honored when the kid spit up on me, he was THAT precious*went to girl's camp for the first time and got a white mouse from my secret sister, my Mom was thrilled when it died within 12 hours - we never had to take it home*started middle school and was flummuxed by all the hand-holding and going-around couples...weirdos*was thrilled when my brothers went in on a Nintendo so we could all play Mario Bros*was stalked by a flasher (with my BFF) when walking to the bus stop or drug store for candy runs...I must've had a sign on my forehead that said, please, kidnap me!
15 Years ago I:*went to EFY and hung out with my big sister K at BYU and really began our friendship*was so excited to finally get my drivers license, all my friends remember my silver VW bug and listening to Beastie Boys because the tape got stuck in the player*worked for my BFFs parents at their yogurt shop AND mexican restaurant*attended 6 am seminary training every weekday, I think I'm still catching up on the sleep I missed
13 Years ago I:*bought a pager*went to The Edge to dance with my friends on Friday nights*worked at the Gap, as a Bank Teller and as a photographer AND went to school at the same time*almost gave my parents a heart attack with all the worrying they were doing about where I might be at 3am*moved out of my parents house because I had their car but only came home to shower and change, and interestingly enough, that wasn't working out for them*met and became best friends with the man that would become my husband within the next 16 months
8 Years ago I:*became a Mom when Savannah joined our family*lived in a Condo that I loved, right across the street was TJ Maxx ...dangerous!*worked as a Sales Recruiter at XO Communications and had a wonderful boss who finally appreciated me and made me feel exceptionally good at what I did
5 years ago I: *moved into a big suburban house to accomodate a growing family*gave birth to my 1 and only son*quit my paying job and became a full fledged SAHM to 2 rowdy munchkins
3 years ago I: *obtained a passport and actually used it!*traveled to Costa Rica for 9 days with my sweetheart for celebrate our 10 year anniversary (albeit a few months early)*discovered all the things we fell in love with about each other are still there, much to our delight and relief*became pregnant with our 3rd child, a daughter*finally caved and traded in the Outback for a Minivan*joined a book club and rediscoved the joy of literature
1 year ago I: *went to Disneyland for the first time with all the kids*became a soccer Mom*had 1 child in preschool and 1 in first grade, and some free time with my baby*started beading, one of my only full fledged hobbies*had my parents join us for Christmas at our house, it was wonderful
5 months ago I*drove to CA by myself with the kids to visit my parents and siblings, so they can get to know their cousins better....this was actually our 3rd annual trip* went camping 2x
3 months ago I: *spent time with my parents and siblings in SoCal, first time in years both of my sisters and I have been in the same place at the same time, yes, we took pictures!
Last month I: *wore a skeleton shirt with a beating heart as my Halloween costume*joined facebook and reconnected with my long lost BFF from high school
Last week I: *spent the weekend in St George and hiking in Zion National park
Yesterday I:*raked and bagged mucho leaves, planted pansies, sliced my finger deeply on a garden tool and am still nursing it*did laundry so Chris would be ready to travel*made Hungarian Goulash and Spaetzle for dinner in a crock-pot that turned out DIVINE
Today I: *enjoyed my children singing during their Primary Program in Sacrament meeting*dressed all the kids extra cute and astonished myself at just how beautiful they are (really!)*talked to my hubby on the phone*made play dough for Savi's 2nd grade class so they can make Indian Bead necklaces this week*made home made pizza for dinner*survived a day that Sydney didn't take a nap
Tomorrow I will: *call my partner to set up visiting teaching*take my kids to the library*vacuum the house*make sure Sydney takes a nap
Next year I will: *watch Savannah be baptized and get her ears pierced*go to CA for a Cline family reunion*have 2 kids in school ALL DAY and really be productive with only 1 sidekick*visit my sister's family in AZ if it kills me.
Now I tag: